Oslo Fjord Opera Festival 2025: A new opera experience at Oscarsborg

In 2025 OsloFjord OperaFestival will be launched with a spectacular production of Verdis Requiem at Oscarsborg. A Circus Requiem is a collaboration between OscarsborgOperaen and The Oslo Philharmonics. Tilde Björfors, circus director and founder of the world famous Cirkus Cirkör will direct the performance with airacrobats and circusartists challenging the laws of gravity in a powerful and poetic interpretation of Verdis magnificent music.

The Oscarsborg Opera is situated on two small islands in the middle of the Oslo fjord. 120 minutes by boat from Oslo and 5 minutes by boat from the small town of Drøbak.

The opera arena is the large open air courtyard of Oscarsborg Fortress with 100% natural acoustics and a wonderful historic atmosphere.

How to get your


The tickets are released in late autumn and are announced on our website, facebook and Instagram.

The seats are numbered and prices starts at NOK 695,-

Order your tickets at ticketmaster.com or call your local ticketmaster office.

In addition to the opera ticket you can order a round trip with boat from Oslo to Oscarsborg, and a three-course meal inside the fortress.

All the above offers will be given after you confirm your opera ticket at Ticketmaster.

How to get there


The opera ticket includes a round trip with the ferry from Drøbak to Oscarsborg (5 min trip). The ferry departs from Sundbrygga (north in Drøbak) every 15 minutes from 4pm – 7.30 pm

The round trip boat from Oslo departs at 5pm from Oslo, and arrives Oslo at 0.30am after the performance. Tickets must be ordered before departure at ticetmaster.com. The boat offers food and drinks, an outdor deck and fantastic scenery.

Public transportation
Visit #Ruter for bus ticket information (https://ruter.no/en/)

The bus departs from the Oslo bus terminal and the trip takes 50 min to Drøbak. The Bus stop closest to the ferry is “Grande” or “Drøbak Kirke”.

There are no train stations In Drøbak.

By car
If you decide to arrive with a car be sure to come early to find a good parking space close to the boat (Sundbrygga). There is a cost for parking depending on where you park. Find information at Frogn municipality (kommune) home page.

Where to stay

Hotels, Dining andrefreshments

The Oscarsborg Hotel is located on the island. Book your stay at https://festningshotellene.no/oscarsborg-hotel-resort/en/

In the city centre of Drøbak you wil find Renskaug hotel. Book your stay at https://festningshotellene.no/reenskaug-hotel/en/

The Oscarsborg Hotel offers a three course meal inside the Fortress before the show. Seating starts at 5pm.

obs! This offer can not be combined with the boat from Oslo, due to the arrival time at Oscarsborg.

Outside the Fortress there are food and drinks available.


Its outdoors, whatabout the weather?

We do not cancel performances in advanced due to weather reports. We preform as long as the orchestras instruments don’t get wet. They are placed under a roof!

Do not trust the weather reports. It may change quickly. Make sure to bring warm and water resistant clothes. Function before beauty is the key! We sell rain ponchoes, blankets and seat pads at the island. And be sure to leave your umbrella at home, it will be in the way for the people sitting around you.

About the


The OscarsborgOpera was founded in 1998 by the Opera manager Anne Felberg and conductor Terje Boye-Hansen. And since then the company has produced 16 opera productions with over a 100 000 audiences. The opera is funded by the Norwegian government, the VIKEN region counsil and the municipality 0f Frogn.

Among the opera productions you will find The magic flute, Carmina Burana, Aida, Madama Butterfly, Carmen, Tosca and more.

The company has produced 16 opera productions with over a 100 000 audiences

Oscarsborg Fortress is a fortress that was built in 1848 and served as an inner defense ring in the Oslo Fjord.

Oscarsborg Fortress is best known for the sinking of the German cruiser “Blücher” on April 9, 1940. Today, military operations have been closed down, and the fortress is open to civilians. There is a museum, outdoor stage in the courtyard, hotels, restaurants and several bathing places on the island.

The military activity at the fortress was discontinued in 2002, but the command post has been maintained. Today, Oscarsborg is managed by Forsvarsbygg in collaboration with the commander. Oscarsborg Fortress Museum is an important part of the public offer on site. It is subject to the Defense Museum and is responsible for the historical dissemination and guided tours.

Oscarsborg Fortress is one of Norway’s national fortifications and is open to the public every day throughout the year. In addition to the museum and the original fortifications, there is today a hotel with 190 beds, a guest harbor with a nice harbor restaurant and annually 100,000 visiting guests. Oscarsborg is popular as a summer resort in the summer and a course and conference venue in the winter.

On April 9, 2014, Oscarsborg Fortress was protected by the National Heritage Board.